Military Service: Captain. First Lt. Under Capt. Samuel West. (6) Private in Capt. Edward Burgess’ Co. Lower District of Frederick Co. (now Mont. Co.) Militia July 1776. First Lt. Middle Bn. Militia Sept. 12, 1777. Captain 1st Co. Middle Bn. Militia April 21, 1779 through at least July 15, 1780. (2)
Public Service: Petit juror Aug. 1777. (2)
Civilian Aid:
Oath of Allegiance: Feb. 28, 1778 before the Hon. Edward Burgess (2)
Residency: Upper Potomac MC (2)
Date: 1811 (2)(6)
Find-A-Grave #: Not found
Headstone GPS Coordinates:
Notes: There is much overlap between John Ray in Peden and John Ray Jr. In DAR records. Unable to determine which details apply to Sr. And Jr.