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Montgomery County, MD Patriot Grave Registry

Welcome to the General William Smallwood Chapter's grave registry of Revolutionary War Patriots. The registry identifies 295 Patriots documented in NSSAR and NSDAR national records as being buried in, or having died while residing in, Montgomery County, MD. This registry is intended to serve as a resource and reference tool for Revolutionary War researchers and Patriot descendants. The registry is a work in progress. Current activities are focused on identifying Patriot burial locations and recording the GPS coordinates of the gravesites. We welcome corrections and additional information offered by the public and Patriot descendants regarding any Patriot listed in the registry. To make an inquiry or to provide input to the registry please send an e-mail to the Grave Registry Administrator.

Researchers, Patriot descendants, and other interested parties may use the registry information for academic and genealogical purposes without restriction and without written permission as long as the Gen. William Smallwood Chapter MDSSAR is cited as the source. Entities wishing to use the registry information for any other purpose, including commercial publication, must obtain written permission from the Gen. William Smallwood Chapter.

Users are cautioned that Patriot Record pages in this registry cannot be used as proof documents for membership in this Society even though they employ bonafide sources in their composition. It is suggested that prospective members, and current members researching additional Patriots, consult the NSSAR Application Preparation Manual and the section on acceptable documentation as a guide to the proof requirements. The sources cited on the Patriot Records are diverse and may be limited in their use as documentation (i.e., Find A Grave photos of head/foot stones may be accepted, but any contributor-supplied text about dates, relatives, or the deceased is not acceptable proof).

The Patriots are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on a selected Patriot name to display the complete Patriot record. The data fields in each record contain codes that explain the source of the data. These Source Information Codes shown in parentheses in each record are explained as follows. The codes are associated with the field data preceding the codes in the Patriot records.

(1) MDSSAR Patriot Index (no longer active)

(2) "Revolutionary Patriots of Montgomery County, Maryland 1776-1783" by Henry C. Peden, Jr., published by Family Line Publications, 1996

(3) Montgomery County Cemetery Inventory which links to


(4) Find A Grave which links to www.findagrave.com

(5) NSSAR Patriot Research System which links to


(6) NSDAR Genealogical Research System which links to services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search/?Tab_ID=0

(N) See Notes section of record for additional information about this field.

The "Residency" location names under "Support for American Revolution" which contain the "MC” suffix refer to the sections of Montgomery County as depicted on the "Hundreds of Montgomery County Circa 1777" map shown in the preface to the Peden book. The record field "Marked" contains information about the placement of SAR and DAR markers at the Patriot gravesites.

The location of Patriot graves is depicted by Global Positioning System (GPS) latitude and longitude readings shown in the record field, "Headstone GPS Coordinates." Although these readings are taken at the exact location of the grave sites, their accuracy is variable and not every set of coordinates will result in subsequent positioning precisely at the targeted grave site. However, most readings should be accurate to within several feet of the grave. To view an actual overhead image of a gravesite, click on the GPS coordinates, click on "Satellite," and then zoom in to the full extent.

A list of Montgomery County cemeteries containing Patriot graves may be found in the accompanying Patriot Cemetery Inventory, which also identifies Patriot graves which have been formally marked by the SAR and DAR.

Adamson, Basil

Adamson, John

Aldrich, John

Allison, Charles, Sr

Allison, John

Allnutt, James, Jr.

Allnutt, James, Sr.

Allnutt, Lawrence

Anderson(A), James

Anderson(B), James

Andrews, Charles, Sr.

Ball, John

Barrett, Richard

Beall, Brooke

Beall, Daniel

Beall, Edward

Beall, George, Sr.

Beall, James

Beall, Jeremiah

Beall, Lawson

Beall, Leven

Beall, Richard

Beall, Robert

Beall, Samuel, Jr.

Beall, Samuel, Sr.

Beall, Tyson

Beckwith, George

Beckwith, William

Becraft, Benjamin

Becraft, Peter

Beddo, Absolum

Beeding, Edward

Belt, Carlton

Belt, John

Belt, Higginson

Benson, William Thomas

Benton, Benjamin Smith

Benton, Joseph, Sr.

Benton, Joseph, Jr.

Benton, William

Berry, Richard

Bohrer, Peter

Bonifant, Samuel

Boswell, James

Bowie, Allen, Jr.

Bowman, Jacob

Brent, Ann Carroll

Briscoe, Robert

Brooke, Richard

Brown, Jonathan, Jr.

Campbell, Aeneas, Sr.

Campbell, James

Candler, Daniel

Carrant, James

Carroll, Daniel II

Carroll, Daniel III

Cary, William

Cashell, George

Cawood, Stephen

Cecil, Phillip

Cecil, Sabret

Cecil, William

Cheshire, John

Childs, William

Chiswell, Stephen Newton

Cissel, Samuel

Claggett, Alexander

Claggett, Henry

Clement, Bennett Hanson

Collier, William

Crabb, Jeremiah

Crow, Edward Sr.

Culp, George Sr.

Dade, Rev. Townshend, Jr

Darby, George

Darby, Samuel

Darnell, Isaac

Dawson, Nicholas Lowe

Dawson, Robert Doyne

Dawson, Thomas

Dooley, Jonathan

Dorsey, Nicholas W.

Dowden, Zachariah

Downs, Zachariah

Duckett, Samuel

Duval, Lewis

Duvall, Aquilla

Dyson, Samuel

Easton, Giles

Edmonson, Thomas

Erwin, James

Evans, Joseph

Field, George

Fife, James Sr.

Fish, Robert

Fisher, Martin

Fleming, John, Sr.

Fleury, James

Fling, James

Forrest, Uriah

Gaither, Henry

Gaither, Johnsey

Gassaway, Brice John

Gassaway, Charles

Gatwoort, Gab

Gillam, Thomas

Gingle, George

Gittings, Benjamin

Gittings, Henry

Glaze, William

Gleason, Unknown

Godman, Humphrey

Godman, William

Graff, George

Green, Philip

Griffith, Charles G.

Griffith, George

Griffith, Greenberry

Griffith, Henry, Sr.

Griffith, Hezekiah

Griffith, Howard

Griffiths, Philemon

Griffiths, Samuel

Hall, Dr. Joseph

Hall, Joseph

Harding, Elias

Harding, Walter

Harper, Nathaniel

Harris, Barton

Harris, Samuel

Harrison, Nathan

Harwood, John

Harwood, Samuel

Hayes, Charles

Hayes, Jeremiah

Hempstone, William

Herron, John

Heugh, Andrew

Heyl, Leonard

Higgins, James

Hilleary, Henry

Hinton, Thomas, Sr.

Hobbs, Samuel

Holland, Benjamin, Sr.

Holland, John

Holland, Nathan

Holland, William

Holmes, John, Sr.

Hooker, Robert Deakins

Houser, Martin

Howard, Baker

Howes, John

Hurdale, Robert

Jefferson, Benjamin

Jennings, John

Johnson, Benjamin, Sr.

Jones, Charles

Jones, Edward

Jones, Evan

Jones, Hanbury

Jones, John Courts

Jordan, John

Kirby, Enoch

Knott, Zachariah

Knowles, Henry

Lanham, Ralph

Lanham, Stephen

Murdock, Benjamin

Lansdale, Charles

Larman, William

Lauman, Jacob

Layman, William

Leach, Thomas

Leach, William, Sr.

Leeke, Henry, Jr.

Lewis, Jeremiah

Lingan, Thomas

Linthicum, Zachariah

Litton, Michael

Lodge, William

Luckett, David

Luckett, William, Sr.

Magruder, Hezekiah

Magruder, James

Magruder, Jeffrey

Magruder, Joseph

Magruder, Nathan

Magruder, Nathaniel

Magruder, Samuel

Magruder, Samuel Brewer

Magruder, Samuel Wade

Magruder, Zachariah

Magruder, Zadoc

McLean, John

McPherson, Unknown

Musgrove, Nathan

Needham, William A.

Northcraft, Richard

Odell, Baruch

Offutt, Alexander

Offutt, James

Offutt, Mordecai Burgess

Offutt, Nathaniel

Offutt, Thomas, Sr.

Offutt, Zephaniah

O'Neal, John

O'Neal, William

Orme, Moses, Jr.

Pennifield, Thomas

Perry, Erasmus

Perry, Joseph

Phillips, Sylvester

Pierce, Joshua

Pigman, Matthew

Pigman, Nathaniel

Poole, John, Sr.

Prather, Aaron

Prather(A), John

Prather(B), John

Purdum, John

Rabbitt, John

Rathborn, Daniel

Rawlins, John

Ray, James

Ray, John, Jr.

Ray, Joseph

Reeder, Simon

Ricketts, Anthony

Ricketts, Benjamin

Ricketts, Benjamin, Sr.

Riggs, Amon

Riggs, Benjamin

Riggs, Edmond

Riley, Hugh, Jr.

Robbins, John Purnell

Roby, Berry

Roy, Joseph

Saffel, Charles

Scott, Thomas

Sears, William

Sedwick, William

Shaw, William

Shffell, James

Simms, Joseph

Simpson, John

Smith, Dr. Walter

Speight, Robert

Sturill, Unknown

Talbott, Nathan Tolbert

Talbot, Thomas

Tennelly, Josiah

Thomas, Hezekiah

Thomas, Samuel

Thompson, Zachariah

Threldkeld, Joseph

Traill, David, Sr.

Traill, James, Sr.

Traill, James, Jr.

Traill, William

Trundle, John IV

Viers, Turner

Viers, William

Wade, John, Sr

Walker, George

Wallace, William, Sr.

Ward, Edward

Warfield, John Worthington

Warfield, Joseph

Waters, Ignatius

Waters, Dr. Richard

Waters, Richard

Waters, Richard, Sr.

Waters, William, Jr.

Waters, Zachariah

Wathen, Ignatius

Wathen, Leonard

Watkins, Jeremiah

Watkins, Leonard

Watkins, Thomas

Whitaker, Alexander

White, James

White, John

White, Samuel Beall

White, William

Wilcoxson, Jesse

Wilcoxson, John, Sr.

Willett, Benjamin

Willett, Ninian

Willett, William

Williams, Walter

Williams, William

Willson, Robert

Wilson, Wadsworth

Windham, William

Winsor, Thomas

Wootton, Dr. Thomas Sprigg

Patriot Names